Saturday, 7 September 2019

Rohida - Aug 2019

Had a lovely trek to fort Rohida. The Windy fort was a great experience to enjoy the gusty wind with rains on the way to the fort. The greener, the waterfalls and the clouds made it such a wonderful experience, which is too tough to put in words. So most of the story is getting covered in these photos..

Friday, 16 August 2019

Nagzira Pics - June 2019


Crested Serpent Eagle

Indian Roller

Greater racket-tailed Drongo and Common Maina

Crested Hawk Eagle has trapped quails inside the thicket

Indian Roller

I lost my rackets!!

Indian Pitta

Happiness of catching the Leopard in action

Scops Owl

Grey Hornbill

Indian Pitta

And the spotted Beauty!!

Those lovely Eyes!

My waterhole

Eye to Eye

I see you!!

If looks could kill!

Locked it!

Greater Flameback


Three in action

The road to Nagzira

iCampers Gang

Selfie time in jungle

Amacha Machan

Guest in the guest room!
